Mapping Slot Deposit

  • Sale
  • Regular price £100.00
Tax included.

The Mapping Slot Deposit is to confirm your booking with RaceCal.

At time of booking, RaceCal request a deposit is placed to secure your slot. We ask for this
deposit to confirm your attendance on your requested date as traditionally our lead time can run up to 8 weeks. If you cancel your slot the deposit is non-refundable.
If you envisage there will be a problem and you need to delay your booking, please email as early as possible to discuss your options and potential rebooking.

Please add the item to the cart and include your car, engine and ECU details in the 'Notes' section.

For availability please email before booking a slot.

Placing a booking means you have read and agreed to our Dyno Terms and Conditions which are available here. Please read this carefully as it also covers what needs to be done regarding vehicle preparation for dyno time.

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