COVID-19 Update

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COVID-19 Update

Good evening everyone,

Following on from our post on our Facebook page earlier today, we wanted to get in touch with you all in regards to how the coming weeks are going to unfold.

Nothing matters more to us than the health and safety of you our customers and your families.

For this reason and in response to the government announcement last night, RaceCal will temporarily close from here forward. 

We understand this may cause some disappointment; for you, our loyal customers as we know some of you have been waiting 8-weeks+ for your slot, however we cannot ignore the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at the moment.

Here at RaceCal we love what we do; interacting with our customers and followers at the dyno or at the track; we would never change this for the world, however at this moment in time our business is ‘non-essential’ so this is the necessary step to take to protect all of us.

For all customers with future bookings, we will be in touch with you to rearrange your slot when normality resumes. Please be assured you will be contacted and re-booked inline with your existing slot – you will not be leapfrogged and your car will be completed as soon as possible when safe to do so.

You will have seen our first ‘Tech Insight’ post earlier this evening, we will continue to bring you content over the coming weeks to keep you entertained, and at least take your mind off the current situation for a while.

Whilst the dyno is now closed, we are still available remotely: - on Facebook messenger, email etc. For any questions, tips and advice needed please get in touch! If you need remote calibration or setup support we have been using TeamViewer appointments for years and will have slots available. Map tweaks, checking logs etc will still be catered for.

Product shipments from our website will still resume in this time, please however be aware there may be small delays dependant on the couriers loading at this time. 

We thank you again for understanding in these quite frankly horrible times; we hope to be back with you all shortly! 



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