covid-19 RSS

covid-19, Update -

Good morning everyone, We hope you are still all keeping safe with the ongoing developments surrounding the COVID-19 situation across the world! As you know at the beginning of the lockdown, RaceCal followed all government advice and temporarily closed our doors putting all calibration/mapping work on hold to help protect our customers, ourselves and the general public. Following on from the governments update earlier this week and being able to return to work if you cannot work from home (unfortunately the dyno doesn't fit in the lounge!) 😅 we have decided to start staging the reintroduction of our calibration services adhering to...

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covid-19 -

Good evening everyone, Following on from our post on our Facebook page earlier today, we wanted to get in touch with you all in regards to how the coming weeks are going to unfold. Nothing matters more to us than the health and safety of you our customers and your families. For this reason and in response to the government announcement last night, RaceCal will temporarily close from here forward.  We understand this may cause some disappointment; for you, our loyal customers as we know some of you have been waiting 8-weeks+ for your slot, however we cannot ignore the...

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